In-Person or Virtual


  • Book one or more of these sessions to:

    • Work through a specific Key Sustainability Area or another subject not listed.

    • Receive sustainability/stewardship guidance around a specific project or plan.

  • Great option if you don’t live in the Puget Sound area

  • Pricing:

  • Sliding Scale $150 - $225 Per 90 minute session

  • $300 Per 90 minute session

    2 adults or families. Same or separate households


  • Ongoing sessions to help you stay on track.

    • Especially helpful for follow-up questions as you practice what you learn and, inevitably, run into obstacles.

    • Space to learn branching subjects in depth.

  • Frequency and number of sessions are open!

  • Payments can be made in one go or regularly

  • Pricing:

  • Sliding Scale $150 - $225 Per 90 minute session

    Set of 3 ($675 total)

  • $280 per 90 minute session.

    Set of 3 ($840 total)

    2 Adults or families. Same or Separate households

If you are interested in a 1:1 course where we cover all the Key Sustainability Areas, check this out

  • Personalized

    We’ll start by assessing your current footprint, practices, and your priorities to create a practical plan to fit your unique needs and goals.

  • Targeted

    Everyone has pain points around their consumption. I’ll work closely to identify and overcome your unique obstacles.

  • Sustainable

    The goal is long lasting habits. Reducing our impact is more than just a to-do list. I’ll guide you through practices such as mindfulness exercises and journaling prompts.

  • Holistic

    Understanding how the Key Sustainability Areas are connected is essential to making unique day to day consumption choices. I’ll share the knowledge so you can connect the dots as you go.


Confident, Connected, And Empowered With Knowledge And Skills To Make a Real Difference. At Home And in Your Community


All Clients

  • Free 30-minute Exploration call.

  • Guided exercises for connecting with and embracing your value system

  • Personalized guidance for navigating your unique obstacles.

  • Recommended volunteer organizations and non-profits.

Ongoing Mentorship Clients

  • Comprehensive environmental impact intake form. Groups will get two of those.

  • Personalized plan to help you reach your goals.

  • Resource documents, video guides, and progress-tracking tools.

  • Unlimited guidance and support via email, text, and calls.

  • Open invite to my personal space to check how I do things and get inspiration and ideas.